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6 Tips For Styling Your Living Room

The living room is arguably the most important room in the house when it comes to design and style.

It’s likely to be the room where you spend most of your time, the room where you spend time entertaining guests, and it’s probably the first room that people see when they walk into your home.

Therefore it’s worth investing some time, effort and money to make it look as good as it possibly can.

Here are six top tips for styling your living room.

  1. Be Sensible With The Space You Have

It’s important to be realistic about what can and cannot go in your living room. For example, just because you might have big ideas about getting a giant corner sofa, it doesn’t mean it will be a good fit for your living room.

Use the space wisely but avoid clutter. If that means some furniture has to go, or won’t be suitable then be ruthless and get rid, or avoid buying it.

Every living room is different, and it’s not a case of one size fits all.

If you are short of space then go for furniture that’s multi-functional, such as a footstool with storage space or a sofa that’s raised off the floor.

  1. Give Your Room A Focal Point

If you’re fortunate enough to have a fireplace or a mantelpiece then you already have a focal point to work with.

If you don’t have either of these, then opt for a large mirror, artwork or clock. The focal point will be the first thing visitors see when they walk into the room and once it’s in place you can style the rest of the room around it.

Choose something that’s personal to you, and that you’ll want to see every time you walk into the room, not just a generic picture or mirror that’s just filling up a space.

  1. Choose Your Colour Pallette – And Make It Personal

Your living room should be a reflection of your personality so be bold and style it to suit you.

Choosing the right colours to decorate your living room can make or break it. Light, airy colours such as magnolia, light grey or pastel green can really help to make the room feel more spacious, whereas darker colours will give it more of a cosy, homely feel.

It’s all down to personal choice and you should go with colours that you’ll be happy with in the years to come.

Making the space unique to you will help turn the room into a living space that you’ll want to spend time in. Whether that’s having an individual piece of art, or using retro furniture, be creative, and go with things you’ll love.

A few photos in the right places can be great for this, and give the room a more homely feel.

  1. Avoid a Showroom Feel

There’s nothing particularly wrong with buying all of your furniture from the same place, but it can scream ‘showroom’ to guests, and it’s not individual or personalised to your own tastes.

Instead, try to go for a mix of colours, textures and fabrics, and even mix up old furniture with new to give the room a uniqueness.

  1. Choose The Right Lighting

In the same way that you need to be sensible with the space you have, choosing the right lighting is crucial to the overall feel of your living room.

It may be that you want a chandelier when spotlights would be a better fit, or perhaps you’re looking for spotlights when a hanging fixture would work better.

Getting the right lighting will improve the aesthetics of your living room and choosing the right bulbs will help to set the mood for the room. Whether that’s a bright and airy feel or a cosier, warmer vibe, it’s important to go with the best lighting for your own space.

  1. Make Sure It’s Functional

Sometimes it’s possible to get so carried away with styling your living room that you forget what it’s actual purpose is – a place to chill out in and host guests!

So before you even start looking at vintage antiques or giant wall clocks, consider what the essentials are that you’ll need to make the room work for you.

A sofa or armchairs, a coffee table for food and drinks, and some form of entertainment, most likely a TV, are the must haves, and after these are lined up you can begin thinking about rugs, artwork and accessories.

Want more home staging and styling tips? Warren Powell-Richards are your local property experts for the area and are happy to help you get your home ready for market.

Call us or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out how we can help you.

Moving Home. Pain Free Packing Tips

When you ask most people what’s been the most stressful thing they’ve gone through, many of them will put ‘moving house’ up there with changing jobs or having a new baby. Not only do you have the long process of trying to find a house to suit your needs, there’s months of paperwork and phone calls with solicitors, switching your utility suppliers to a new house, and sorting out things like new schools for the children. This is all before the actual moving day, where you may find yourself running around trying to cram things into boxes.

One thing that can help with the stress of moving is being organised, and this is especially important when it comes to packing. If you don’t want to be dashing around on the morning of the move, follow these tips for pain-free packing and a smooth move.

Declutter first

A new home means a fresh start, so in the weeks before the move, spend time decluttering and deciding what you really want to take with you. Garages, sheds and lofts can be real clutter zones after you’ve lived in a house for a few years, so you may want to get a skip or hire a van when you clear them out, making it easy to get rid of junk.

Try not to send too much to landfill. Charity shops will usually be grateful for donations, and some will even collect larger items such as furniture. Once you’ve had a big declutter, the job of packing will seem much less daunting.

Buy supplies

Having the right supplies is important, so make sure you have:

  • Plenty of strong boxes
  • Tape and tape guns
  • Labels and permanent markers
  • Bubble wrap
  • Strong bin bags

You can buy packing boxes online, or pick them up free from Freecycle or Facebook, as you’ll often find local people who’ve just moved and who want to get rid of their boxes.

Start early and pack things professionally

The earlier you start packing, the better the job you’ll do. Most people have things in their house they don’t use often, from decorative items to books, so start with these items that you won’t mind putting away for a while.

To pack properly, you should:

  • Find the right size box and assemble it with plenty of tape
  • Decide whether it will be used for fragile items, and if so, line it with bubble wrap
  • Put the heaviest items in first, then lighter items on top, wrapping in bubble wrap if needed
  • Don’t overfill boxes. If you have heavy items, pack them in a lot of small boxes rather than one very heavy, bulky box
  • Seal the top using plenty of tape
  • Clearly label the box with the name of the room and a brief description of the contents
  • Make sure the box is clearly labelled ‘fragile’ if your removal company need to take extra care

Pack a suitcase each and an essentials box

A few days before the move, pack a suitcase for each member of the family with the clothes they wear most often, not forgetting school and work uniforms, and then start gathering essentials together in a big plastic box. This box will contain the items you’ll need on the day of the move, from paperwork and toys to teabags and a kettle, so you don’t need to unpack boxes the minute you arrive.

Once you know which essentials to keep handy, you can go from room to room and pack up, using the same tips as before. The aim is that by the night before the move, the only things you’ll have left unpacked will be bedding, a few clothes, and some kitchen essentials.

The day of the move

When you’re getting ready on the day of the move, you can pack as you go. For example, bedding can be rolled up and placed in thick bin bags, ready to go to the new house. It’s worth having a couple of extra boxes made up so that you can throw in any odd bits and bobs as the removal company do their job.

It’s always recommended to hire a professional removal team, as they’ll make moving day so much easier. If you’ve packed everything properly, then it should be a smooth process to get everything in the van and ready to go. If you really don’t like the thought of packing, then you may choose to use a professional packing service, where everything is packed up for you a couple of days before the move, saving you time and stress.

If you are planning on moving to the area soon, why not telephone us or call in. We’ll be happy to advise you on our available properties in the area. Contact us for more information.


Can Improving My Garage Make My Property More Appealing? 

If you’re selling a property, you may be looking for ways to make your home more appealing to prospective buyers – and your garage could hold the key!

The additional room that a garage provides makes it attractive to potential purchasers, so taking steps to make the most of it couldn’t be more important. At Warren Powell-Richards, we regularly welcome buyers who are keen to buy a property with the extra space garages can afford, so here are our top tips for improving yours.

A Complete Garage Transformation

Whereas at one time, garages were used solely for storing vehicles, increasingly these days they’re serving a raft of other purposes. Modern cars are less likely to rust. They also are more likely to start straight away, even in cold weather, so housing them under cover isn’t necessary anymore. That leaves your garage free for use in other ways, and there are plenty of possibilities.

Some options include using your garage as a gym, home office, workshop, art studio, games room, playroom, utility room, or even a yoga studio. If you’re keen to spend the time and money on a complete transformation, any of these could be an option for you.

Garage Door Upgrades

Not everyone is ready to get rid of their garage entirely, but there are many small projects to consider that will improve the space and make your property more appealing to buyers. One of the simplest is to upgrade your garage door.

Older garage doors can be hard to handle, with many being heavy wooden doors with a tendency to stick, or doors with an aluminium lifter which is difficult to open, especially in a hurry. Modern garage doors are far easier to cope with and can make a big difference to your property. With choices in many colours and designs, you can easily find something to complement your exterior.

Adding A Secondary Access Door

While some garages have an access door for us humans, many don’t and that means the only entrance and exit is through the main garage door – a far from perfect solution. Adding an extra door leading directly into your garden or inside your property makes your space user-friendly and more useful.

Coating The Concrete

Older garages usually have flooring of bare concrete which is cold, uninviting, and hard to clean. Since concrete is a porous substance, unattended spills inevitably result in stains and even frequent sweeping rarely gets rid of all the debris and dust. Coating the concrete with a specialist floor paint for garages is the answer. These two-part epoxy resin heavy-duty paints are simple to clean and are spill-resistant. As an added advantage they give the floor a glossy finish that helps to counteract the all-too-familiar low-lighting issues windowless garages suffer from.

Dealing With Damp And Condensation

Condensation in your garage is just as problematic as condensation inside your home, but with good ventilation and insulation, dampness can easily be kept at bay. Your garage will also be more comfortable to spend time in too, ideal if you’re using it as a studio or workshop.

Fitting Some Sockets

Most garages today have at least one electrical outlet, but if yours has none, or you need more, it’s wise to have more installed quickly. A lack of sockets reduces the ways in which you can use the space, and that’s something that could deter prospective buyers.

Brightening And Lightening

Many garages are poorly lit, which isn’t very inviting. A dark garage is likely to be unsafe and underutilised, so improving the lighting is vital. A coat of paint can help with this too. Many garages are undecorated, and bare concrete and brick can lead to your garage becoming a dingy and dark spot that isn’t used to its full potential. A lick of white paint can make a huge difference.

If you’re selling your home, our team at Warren Powell-Richards is on hand to help. Send us an email now to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call us

We’re looking forward to helping you find your perfect buyer.


My Home Is Mortgaged – Can I Sell It

Yes, It’s Certainly Possible To Sell A Mortgaged Property

Most homeowners buy their properties with a mortgage. But what happens if you decide that it won’t be your forever home during that mortgage term? Most mortgages are a 15-30 year commitment, so there’s a reasonable chance that you may choose to move within that timeframe. Fortunately, it’s possible to sell a mortgaged property – but only if you’re able to afford to!

If you are looking to move home and you have a mortgaged property, here’s what you need to know:

First, Check Out The Figures

Check the terms of your mortgage to find out if there is a redemption fee to pay (the charge you will pay if you repay your loan earlier than the original final repayment date) and request the figures for a settlement for your mortgage. Remember, though, that this figure isn’t the same thing as the annual early repayment allowance that lenders give customers who are overpaying their mortgage.

In short, to fully settle up the amount you owe, you may expect to pay a penalty of between 3 and 5% of your total owed amount if you’re still in the period of a particular deal – for example, you are midway in a 2-year or 5-year fixed deal.

Must I Tell The Lender I Want To Sell?

Once you’re entirely certain you’ll be selling your home, you should inform your lender. This gives you the chance to discuss the options available to you with them, for example, porting your mortgage to your new property. This involves you repaying your current mortgage and then taking out the same terms with the lender you are already with. You’re taking out a new mortgage loan, but the new one will repay your current mortgage, so you’re starting again with your new property – there’s more on ‘porting’ later in this article.

What Will Happen To My Mortgage Once I’ve Sold My Home?

Usually, any proceeds you make from your sale will pay off your loan together with any early repayment charge you’ve incurred. Your solicitor or conveyancer will ask your mortgage lender for a redemption statement, and they will deal with the settlement for you.

That ends your original mortgage deal, and you’ll then be tied to a different lender if you’ve changed providers. The only exception to this is if you decide to port your mortgage.

What Is Mortgage Porting?

Fewer homeowners “port” their mortgage to their new home, but it’s a possibility that you should consider. Most mortgages can be transferred to a new property, and it may save you money. However, there is a process that you need to follow which is similar to making an application for a brand-new mortgage.

Your affordability will be reassessed, and you’ll need to make a reapplication before you’re accepted. You’ll also need to have a valuation carried out on the new property, and that may incur a fee. If your existing lender accepts you, however, you can keep exactly the same mortgage terms as you have on your current deal, including the rate of interest that you’re currently paying, which may be an appealing prospect, especially when interest rates are on the rise.

With all of this in mind, it’s important to explore your options before you commit to selling your home, but once you’ve made the decision to sell, get in touch with our team at Warren Powell-Richards and we will be delighted to help.


Essential – and on-Trend – Styling Accessories for Your Home

Accessories are the final layer to your home décor.

They add texture, personality, and warmth but are an area many of us find challenging to get right!

Adding the right accessories requires you to delicately balance current trends with your own tastes, to create a home that looks amazing but feels personal.

Accessories should be fun. They can be rearranged throughout your rooms and switched as the seasons’ change.

At Warren Powell-Richards we love a stylish accessory, so here are our ten current on-trend styling accessories for your home.

Dried Flowers

Florals are a great way to complete your property. You can find a style and colour palette to match just about any room, and of course they smell amazing.

However, keeping a constant stream of fresh bouquets in your home can become a logistical nightmare and extremely expensive!

Dried flowers provide an excellent alternative, looking fabulous and often lasting years.

Pampas grass is currently popular, perfect for earthy neutral rooms. However, to add a pop of colour to your space, consider dried Craspedia or even preserved Eucalyptus.

A Display Ladder

When styled correctly, a display ladder looks fresh off a dreamy Pinterest board.

It provides an inexpensive and stylish way to display books and ornaments without adding additional shelves to the walls. You could even add fairy lights or hanging plants to the display, which will completely elevate the piece.  

Large, Antique Mirrors

Everyone knows the power of a large mirror in a room. Not only are they functional, but mirrors give the illusion of bigger, brighter spaces.

An oversized, antique floor mirror is the missing piece to every bedroom – it truly is the best home accessory. Opt for a mirror with a gold or brass frame for an authentic vintage feel.

Oversized antique mirrors work well with classic or upcycled furniture. Alternatively, they can be used to create a stark contrast against more minimal, modern items.

‘Grandmillennial’ Accessories

You can certainly be forgiven for not knowing about this one!

‘Grandmillennial’ refers to the styling technique that effortlessly blends the old and the new. Unsurprisingly, the name derives from a mix of the words’ ‘granny’ and ‘millennial’.

This style involves carefully blending embroidered textiles with crisp, clean lines to create the perfect fusion design.

Wicker Baskets

Wicker baskets are the perfect storage solution.

While they might not be a new phenomenon, this style is not going anywhere any time soon. They work fabulously in kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms, helping keep trinkets safe and out of view.

Great Quality Towels

A towel might not be the first home accessory that springs to mind, but great towels can transform your bathroom.

Your bathroom will likely afford you the least amount of flexibility concerning accessories. Therefore, carefully chosen towels are often a great way to add a splash of personality to your room.

Tie them together with some luxurious toiletry dispensers to help your style shine through.

Copper Everything

Copper is showing no sign of going out of fashion!

You can incorporate this on-trend material into all corners of your home. From the taps in the kitchen and bathroom, lamps in the living spaces and even handles on the bedroom furniture.

Copper works particularly well with dark backgrounds, so consider pairing it with navy or deep greens to make it pop.

Woven Indoor Planters

Most homes these days are filled with green, leafy houseplants. They freshen the air and allow us to add a splash of colour to otherwise bland rooms.

However, finding the perfect pots for them all can be a considerable challenge. Luckily, a mix-match of different colours and textures works great for accessorising rooms. When you want to soften a space, opt for a woven planter, which looks particularly attractive in bedrooms.

Oversized Artwork

Accessorising a room with artwork is a challenge. There is so much choice, and finding work that stands out but matches your scheme can be a challenge.

Many people also often opt for artwork that is not big enough for their walls, worried that a larger size will dominate the room. However, oversized artwork can create an excellent focal piece, especially in hallways, which are notoriously difficult to dress.

Don’t be frightened of choosing a daring, bright design. A bold piece can completely transform an otherwise dull wall.


Macrame is an essential element of every boho home!

It is the technique of creating art pieces using various knots and multiple textiles. Macrame wall hangings are great for above the bed, adding texture and personality.

Want more home tips? Warren Powell-Richards are your local property experts for the area.

Call us or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out how we can help you.


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