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The UK property market continues to be a topic of conversation, with July 2024 seeing a mixed picture. In our latest property market update, we'll look at the latest trends for buyers, sellers, landlords, and renters, and of course we are keeping an eye on the potential impact of the recent general election and the incoming government.

What Do You Need Your Removal Company To Actually Do?

If you’ve found the perfect property and you’re counting down until moving day, it’s time to choose the right removal company for you. Since there are lots of removal firms to choose from, it can be surprisingly difficult to make a final decision, so the team at Warren Powell-Richards is delighted to bring you our six top tips to make the process easier.

With the Labour Party's recent election victory, Sir Keir Starmer steps up as the new Prime Minister, and as the new government takes shape, landlords will be keen to understand the implications for the rental market.

Should I Use The Broker Recommended By My Estate Agent?

Finding your dream property is an exhilarating journey, but navigating the complexities of securing a mortgage to purchase it can be overwhelming.

When it comes to selling your home, there’s a lot of overwhelming information and old wives tales out there, and it can sometimes be difficult separating the fact from the fiction.

Advice often comes from well-meaning friends or family members who are just trying to be helpful, but in reality, they are not property experts!

Our team at Warren Powell-Richards are all experienced property professionals with many years of experience between us. So, to ensure you are in possession of the correct information, here are seven home selling myths you're likely to hear and why they're not to be believed.

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